Pages & Paws

Writing, Reading, and Rural Life With a Border Collie


… And now for a shameless plug…

Forgiveness: What It Is, What It Isn't, Why It Matters

“Genuine forgiveness isn’t for wusses or weaklings,” writes author Kristine Lowder in her new release, Forgiveness: What It Is, What It Isn’t, Why It Matters.  “It can require immense strength, fortitude and grace.”

Emphasizing that  forgiveness is always a choice,Lowder says  “Choosing to forgive does not mean you have to excuse bad behavior, or return to an unhealthy, abusive, or unsafe environment.”  She cautions, “Forgiving doesn’t mean going back for more.”   Examples  from the Amish community, an Auschwitz survivor, Jesus and many others are included.

Brisk and brief, this book’s “kitchen conversation” flavor is peppered with personal anecdotes, historical examples and real-life observations.  It includes a look at  “trigger-happy forgiveness,” essential elements of an apology, the necessary link between repentance and reconciliation, apologizing versus blame-shifting, seven steps toward forgiveness, when and how to apologize, forgiveness praying and spiritual warfare.  Lowder also debunks common “forgiveness myths” and  cites physical, spiritual and psychological benefits of forgiveness.

In Why It Matters: The Fight, Lowder asks, “Why are unity and charity within the Body so hard to find?  Why is it easier to allow a broken relationship to stay broken than it is to do the hard work of peace-making and rebuilding?  It’s almost as if something or someone is set against us.”  Someone is.  Find out how to fight back.

Includes How to Apologize and Mean It, Reconciliation Readiness Indicators, and a recommending reading list. Forgiveness: What It Is, What It Isn’t, and Why It Matters offers real help to real people with real questions.

Available in both trade paperback and as a digital download. To order, click here.


An independent writing professional and creative consultant, Kristine Lowder is a multi-published author specializing in creative non-fiction, inspirational fiction and humor. Her byline has appeared in hundreds of publications as well as several anthologies including Whispers of Inspiration, Our Fathers Who Art in Heaven and A Pixel-Perfect Christmas.